Công bố quốc tế ISI Department of Science and Technology

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Category Archives: Công bố quốc tế ISI

A collaborative algorithm for semantic video annotation using a consensus-based social network analysis

4:17 am 28/10/2021

Trong Hai Duong, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Hai Bang Truong, Van Huan Nguyen Expert Systems with Applications Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 246–258 Article’s...

A smoothed coupled NS/nES-FEM for dynamic analysis of 2D fluid–solid interaction problems

10:55 pm 25/10/2021

T. Nguyen-Thoi, P. Phung-Van, S. Nguyen-Hoang, Q. Lieu-Xuan; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 232 , pp. 324-346 . Article’s link Abstract A node-based smoothed finite...

Geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded plates using a cell-based smoothed three-node plate element based on the C0-HSDT

9:48 pm 25/10/2021

P. Phung-Van, T. Nguyen-Thoi, H. Luong-Van, Q. Lieu-Xuan Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 270, 1 March 2014, Pages 15–36 Article’s link Abstract...

A Facile Route towards the Synthesis of Fe3O4/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Environmental Applications

6:16 pm 25/10/2021

Dong Woo Kim, Long Giang Bach, Seong-Soo Hong, Chan Park Kwon Taek Lim Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Volume 599, Issue 1, 2014, pages...

Self-Adaptation in Collective Adaptive Systems

5:50 pm 25/10/2021

Phan Cong Vinh Mobile Networks and Applications October 2014, Volume 19, Issue 5, pp 626-633 Article’s link Abstract An adaptive system is currently on spot:...

Design of asymmetric freeform lens for low glared LED street light with total internal reflection

5:26 pm 25/10/2021

Min-Feng Lai, Yi-Chian Chen, Nguyen Doan Quoc Anh, Tsai-Yu Chen, Hsin-Yi Ma, and Hsiao-Yi Lee Optics Express Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 1409-1415 •doi:...

Catalytic pyrolysis of vegetable oils to biofuels: Catalyst functionalities and the role of ketonization on the oxygenate paths

4:52 pm 25/10/2021

Thanh Khoa Phung, Alessandro A. Casazza, Patrizia Perego, Pierlorenzo Capranica, Guido Busca Fuel Processing Technology Volume 140, December 2015, Pages 119–124 Article’s link Abstract Thermal...

Libra: Ligand Binding site Recogintion Application. Bioinformatics

4:34 pm 25/10/2021

Le Viet Hung, Silvia Caprari, Massimiliano Bizai, Daniele Toti and Fabio Polticelli Bioinformatics Article’s link Abstract Motivation: In recent years, structural genomics and ab initio...

A Facile Route towards the Synthesis of Nanocomposites for the Application as Solid Electrolytes via Grafting Polymer from TiO2 Nanoparticles

4:23 pm 25/10/2021

Bạch Long Giang, Cao Xuân Thắng, Hồ Thị Thanh Vân, MD.Rafiqul Islam, Kwon Taek Lim Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Volume 599, Issue 1, 2014...